Early Tuesday morning, the Republic FC family lost a dear friend, passionate fan, and wonderful human. Shaun Kitka, affectionately known as “Crash,” passed away after a battle with colon cancer. Crash, a Tower Bridge Battalion member and Season Ticket Member, made an indelible impression on the supporters section and the entire club, from front office to all of the boys in Old Glory Red.
“Crash was a shining example of the passion our fans have for this club. His infectious energy, dedication, and generosity will be sorely missed but forever with us,” said Republic FC President and General Manager Todd Dunivant. “Our hearts are with his friends, family, loved ones, and fellow supporters. Thank you Crash for putting your stamp on our club culture, which will now endure forever.”
His dedication to the club was second to none. Upon learning of his diagnosis, Crash shared his desire bring colon cancer screenings to the forefront for younger audiences. Last season, when Sacramento welcomed New York Red Bulls II to Heart Health Park on July 31, the club hosted Crash and presented him with the Kevin Nagle Indomitable Spirit Award for this work to improve resources for patients and survivors. In honor of his quest, the club made a $1,000 donation in his name to the Colon Cancer Alliance, the nation’s largest colon cancer patient support non-profit.
Crash and his loved ones are on the minds of the entire club, especially in preparation for the U.S. Open Cup Final on Wednesday night. To see his club in a final would have been a truly special moment for him – to see how far they have come on this Indomitable journey.
“It was very tough news to wake up to,” said Republic FC Head Coach Mark Briggs on Tuesday. “We know how special he was to our supporters and to this football club. Hopefully tomorrow we can play for Crash and win a trophy and make him proud.”
On Saturday, when the club returns home to Heart Health Park to face off against Loudon United FC, the club will pause and take a moment to salute our beloved Crash and celebrate his life.